National Alliance of State Animal and Agricultural Emergency Programs
NASAAEP is a national network of state animal and agricultural emergency programs and other stakeholders that promotes effective, all-hazards animal and agricultural emergency management. Our voting membership consists of district/state/territory departments of agriculture or board of animal health emergency planners. Our non-voting non-governmental members also include state animal/agricultural response teams (SART), state veterinary medical reserve corps (VMRC), the National Animal Rescue and Sheltering Coalition (NARSC), and other similar state, tribal or territorial programs. NASAAEP strives to be collaborative in the national animal and agricultural emergency management framework through coordination and capacity building between states, supporting credentialing standards, and sharing training initiatives and national training standards.
About Us
NASAAEP is committed to planning, preparing, and responding to disasters involving animals and agriculture and those that support the health and safety of animals. NASAAEP works to provide communication and networking to facilitate information sharing and effective planning at the local, state and federal levels. Our organization focuses on building local capacity (as all disasters begin and end locally) and support mechanisms at the state and national levels.

NASSAEP works with subject matter experts in a variety of fields across the spectrum of emergency planning, preparedness, and operations. NASAAEP works with our partners to record (monthly meetings) and publish (Best Practice Working Group) references, best practices and lesson’s lessons learned to facilitate access to information.
What You Should Know

2024 Summit
Save the Date
December 3-5, 2024
Maritime Conference Center
Linthicum Heights,
MD 21090

NASAAEP Memberships
Join an organization dedicated to helping the entire family be prepared in the event of a disaster. Your support will benefit yourself and others by providing valuable information and resources.

Best Practices in Animal Emergency Management
The NASAAEP website has valuable resources and information on being prepared.
What should you know and do in an emergency?
We Recognize Our Partners Whose Support This Organization
NASAAEP strives to be collaborative in the national animal emergency management framework through coordination and capacity building between and among our partner organizations. We are proud to work with professionals in our industry from diverse specialties to achieve this mission.